


We hereby inform the general public of the decision made by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to temporarily suspend the TBG Public Call 03/2021 Procedure for Contracting Gas Transport Capacity, as published in the ANP Official Letter No. 16/2022/SIM/ANP-RJ, dated February 23, 2022.

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Between February 7th and 24th, TBG will hold the 3rd Open Season Round offering natural gas transport services for Short-Term Products in 2022.

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To promote greater interaction between the Petrobras Governance and Compliance area and TBG, the company received today, at our Headquarters, representatives of the Petrobras Governance and Compliance Department

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After undergoing an external audit, TBG received a recommendation for the renewal of the company’s SGI certifications, issued by BVQI (Bureau Veritas).

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ANP authorized TBG to carry out Open Season 03 for allocation of Firm Capacity Products in the period between 2022 and 2026

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On Wednesday, 12th January, TBG will launch a natural gas market public enquiry process for the purchase and sale of natural gas from third parties, in order to balance operations, and for the purchase of natural gas in the Brazilian gas transmission system (GUS). The period for receiving purchase or sale proposals will extend to February 17th, 2022. All interested parties can send messages and inquiries to:

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TBG and Delta Geração, of the Delta Energia Group, signed short-term contracts for natural gas transmission services on a daily basis. It is the first time that this type of service is provided in the national gas market. It is also the carrier's first short-term contract with an agent other than Petrobras.

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TBG received the "ENVIRONMENTAL HIGHLIGHT CERTIFICATE - GREEN SEAL", issued by the Jornal do Meio Ambiente de São Paulo, in December 2021.

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Last weekend, Petrobras purchased the extra natural gas transport capacity offered by TBG for 2022. Altogether, more than 19.7 million m³/day of input capacity and 17.7 million m³/day (output capacity) were allocated to the state-owned company.

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Head Office:

Praia do Flamengo, 200
25th floor - Rio de Janeiro – RJ
CEP: 22.210-901
Tel.: (+55 21) 2555-5800



Av. Coronel Silva Teles, 977
4th floor – Campinas – SP
CEP: 13.024-001
Tel.: (+55 19) 3323-5800


Reporting Channel:

Click here or call (0800) 601 6925 if you wish to report illicit conduct. Hours: 24 hours a day.

Gas Helpline
(0800) 026 0400

Call toll free – 24/7

Toll free telephone service, available 24/7.

More details.
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